Friday, April 28, 2006


There are two anniversaries being remembered today in my family. One is for my mom and dad, married 27 years today, and the other is for my Baba, who passed away from cancer three years ago on this date (my Gido preceded her by just over three weeks on April 6).

It's funny how the days clip by and you never know what anniversary one of those particular days might eventually bring for you. I would love to be able go back every annum to see what I was doing on April 5 of that year - April 5 being the day Boh was born. What was I doing that day? Did the thought ever cross my mind that I would have a son born on that exact date x years from then? Probably not; I always thought I would have fall babies for some reason.

While the anniversary of my mom and dad's marriage is a happy one, it was a very sad day three years ago. As every year passes, though, the sadness goes away a little bit more as newer, happier anniversaries are realized (like April 5). I believe that my son was picked especially for me, and that his birthday anniversary was chosen in an especially thoughtful way by those family members whose last anniversaries have already been decided for them.

Happy anniversary mom and dad. And thanks for Boh, Baba and Gido. I miss you.

1 sweet nothing:

Anonymous said...

Hi Winter,
Thank you for remembering Mom and Dad. The picture is great and I know Baba and Gido are looking out for you, Justin and Bob (ok I mean BOH!)
