Tuesday, May 02, 2006

petty annoyances, item #1

I am addicted. Nearly everyday I find a way to acquire and consume a grande decaf coffee from Starbucks. Coffee cream and sweetener mandatory. For the last few days, Justin has been picking up a coffee for me on his way home from work and the volume of liquid is always about an inch down from the lip of the cup. I realize that some people pour gargantuan amounts of cream and sugar in their coffees, but I am not one of those people, thank you very much. And I want all the coffee I paid for, even if it means it slops all over the front seat of the car on the way home because my cup runneth over. Cheap? Maybe. Justified? Clearly. Because who wants to berate the barista for two extra ounces of coffee?

But I'm going to do it next time I get ripped off. I swear.

1 sweet nothing:

Anonymous said...

I also am annoyed ... and always ask them to "fill'er" up ... and they do.