Friday, June 16, 2006

happy father's day: part one

Are you sure you want to say yes? joked my soon to be mother-in-law. And marry into this family?

Yes, I’m sure, I replied, and then turning to look at the man soon to be my father-in-law, added: Even despite the free wheeling farting that takes place around the dinner table.*

And the laughs got louder…

Though kidding around, the truth was I had given the issue serious thought. Marrying into Adoring and Wonderful husband’s family, that is. Because no matter how relaxed and easy-going your future in-laws might be, it’s always hard to adjust to being part of a different family. A family that has its own Christmas traditions. A family that has its own expectations about what the Sunday night supper schedule should be. A family that will one day become one half of the group of people in this world that love your children like crazy.

And it’s this last thing that was the clincher for me; my bonus for saying “I do.” Because even though it only took me mere months to know that I wanted Adoring and Wonderful Husband to someday be the daddy of my babies, it took me even less time to know that I wanted Adoring and Wonderful Husband’s dad to be their grandpa.

Baby Boh wishes you a Happy Father’s Day, Les. And so do we.

* Confession: Though I used to wince at the outright gassiness of Grandpa, I now rejoice in it. Why? I have recently learned that the key to a contented baby is that baby’s ability to pass gas at the drop of a hat. Long live the Rotten Braaten gene, and the smelly but smiley offspring it produces!

1 sweet nothing:

Matt said...

i hope my future in-laws don't suck...

you know what? i really envy your blog layout thinger. you have the cool header that has a picture on it! AND a whole bunch of cool stuff on your sidebar that i don't have! like a scroly joke thing and videos! and mine just has links. i'm gonna go work on mine now. i need ideas for what to put there...