Thursday, July 27, 2006

Project RACE monthly update

It’s been exactly one month since I committed to running 5 kms at the CIBC’s Run for the Cure on October 1st. At that time, I also promised periodic updates on the progress of what I’ve termed “Project RACE” (which stands for Reece, Avery, Cha! Cha! Cha! and Emma). So here it is folks:

I’m. Kicking. Ass.

My running improves every week. H. and I usually make it to at least two episodes of Stollercizing per week, and I’ve been running on my own once or twice a week to supplement my training as well. The result so far? Last Monday I ran 5 kms! Granted, it took me a good 45 minutes to do it, but I’ve never ran that long without stopping in my life. Never. And I’m even more impressed with myself when I think I did it all while pushing a 26-pound stroller (and the 17-pound baby that was inside of it)!

I’ve been losing weight and inches. My life-long allergy to scales eased a bit over the last four weeks since I’ve tried to get it in my head that ignorance is NOT bliss. I used to tell myself that as long as my clothes fit properly it didn’t matter how much I tipped the scales at, but that theory only works when you don’t have to go out and buy new clothes every time you’ve outgrown your old ones. Last month was the first time in recent memory when I weighed myself BY CHOICE (all other times in the not-so-distant past were at the doctor’s office when I was preggers with the Babe), and today I did it again. You know what? There was a 13 pound difference! While I’m sure much of that was water weight, and also just the natural shedding of poundage that happens to all new moms, I’m still estatic, especially since my measurements have been shrinking right along with the numbers on the scale (I’ve lost 1 ¾ inches off my bust, 2 ½ off my waist and 2 ¼ off my hips). I think I am now officially down to my pre-baby weight (though that’s not a weight to go and get a parade permit for!)

I have one word for all of this: sweet. Even sweeter than the five cupcakes I ate this past weekend in celebration of Adoring and Wonderful Husband’s 30th birthday. And that’s what I have to keep telling myself, because my middle name is Sabotage. I can’t start thinking that I can ease up just because I’ve dropped a few pounds, which is something I seem to do every time I get myself on the right track. So that’s my goal for the next month. To keep it up. I’ll report back again and let you know how I’m doing.

(PS. Oh ya, and I've already registered for the race. Just thought I'd tell ya in case, you know, you want to pledge early or something.)

4 sweet nothing:

Gigi said...

Oh yeah! You rock! I've been running for over a year and I can only do 5km in 45 minutes as well. FYI I never run with a stroller. It's way harder with the babe in hand! Awesome job! I can't wait to see you! Maybe we can go for a few runs together when your home. Just so you know, I can't run and talk at the same time. I listen to my MP3 and try not to focus on the pain! Only nine more sleeps!
Love, G!

Hugs and Kisses said...

You have mail.

Anonymous said...

Atta girl.

Heather and Robin said...

Winter that is so awesome!!! I am so proud of you and so glad you got over your scale aversion since now you really know for sure you have been making progress, but 13 lbs that is incredible!!! As someone that sees you all the time who should have a harder time noticing....I definitely noticed on Wed. at strollercize that you looked way smaller, but the heat must have got to my head since I forgot to tell you.

Great Work!!!