Friday, July 28, 2006

random thoughts Friday

1. Sending – and receiving – thank-you notes the old fashioned way is a delightful pleasure I’m afraid is too often neglected in this day and age. I hereby pledge to ensure Boh becomes habituated of the practice at an early age, because who doesn’t like opening up their mailbox to find a little Christmas for some nicety they recently performed, like sending a baby gift or inviting friends to a 30th birthday bash? (Thanks for the thanks, K.!)

2. I know my blog entries often contain split infinitives. I do it to hugely annoy Regina (like fingernails on a chalkboard, ain’t it?)

3. (Actually, the truth is I’m just a lazy writer.)

4. Watching COPS with Adoring and Wonderful Husband during the noon hour is a MUCH better use of that time than is scarfing down reheated pasta from the night before while sitting alone in my office and trying to finish up a briefing note that’s due by 3:00 pm. MUCH better.

5. Where in the heck did “snaps” come from? What happened to “props”? Why am I so behind in the new cool lingo? Man, that really harshes my mellow!

6. I wish I could save the pictures I make on TypeDrawing.

7. Add this to the “pro” list for moving back to Saskatchewan: smog, or the lack thereof.

8. Add this to the “con” list: Starbucks, or the lack thereof on every corner.

9. Only eight more sleeps!

10. Dear god, what did I eat to cause Boh’s poop to smell like THAT??

2 sweet nothing:

Matt said...

you know how at spoken word poetry jazz places everybody snaps instead of claps? that's where snaps came from. i still sat props tho. ^^ i don't know where that came from.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, ok, maybe it comes from the beatnik writers in jazz clubs, but personally, I prefer the Legally Blonde scene where Elle makes her new congressional friends play the "snap cup" game. Snap!