Thursday, July 13, 2006

warning: mutton chops aren’t for everyone

Dear Reader,

It’s like a little bit of Christmas every time I check my blog and see that someone has left a comment on one of my posts. I can’t click on the link fast enough to read how others have opined on the topic of the day. Sometimes I crave the interaction so much that I consider giving you all ultimatums: start leaving comments or else! But now that I have had my first real critique (at least, the first one that someone has been willing to say to my face, or as close to my face as Hotmail gets), I’m contemplating quitting my blog altogether and starting a new one that nobody I know has the http-colon-double-backslash to. Okay, maybe that’s a bit dramatic. But show me someone who says they’re not stung by criticism of their work, and I’ll show you a big fat liar.

Earlier today I wrote that I’m going to change the tone of my blog into something a bit more digestible for the readers I have that might not know me so well and so who may be put off by my bulldozer-type nature. And I said that, out of concern for what is sure to someday be a son very embarrassed by his mother’s ramblings, I would tailor my experiences into less “colourful” packages. But I’ve thought about it more, and I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want what I write to be watered down, because I am not watered down (or maybe I am, and I use this blog to attempt depth, but if I do, that’s for me to figure out). And I don’t want to misrepresent myself to the people who read this blog; like my writing, I go from saccharin to sarcastic to bossy to belligerent in seconds flat. And I especially don’t want to lie about who I am to Boh, who will someday read these words, and hopefully get a glimpse into the type of person his mommy really is. Real. Average. Someone who uses words to cover wounds. Someone who uses words to heal them.

This blog has been cathartic for me. I write things in it that I would never say aloud to anyone. I feel like people have gotten to know me better by reading my disaggregated and incoherent prose. So I am going to keep it that way, because that’s the way I like it. And I really do apologize in advance if I offend your sensibilities with anything I happen to write going forward, because my intention is not to aggrieve; it’s to get to know myself better through the writing process and to let you in on my discoveries. (Though I am a Sagittarius, and it is in our natures to sometimes be too blunt for comfort. It’s true. You can look it up.)

That’s all I have to say about that. Let’s get back to our regularly scheduled programming, shall we?


5 sweet nothing:

Anonymous said...

I don't know if it means anything but your blog has replaced dooce as my must check. It's fantastic and you shouldn't change a thing.

Mike Todd said...

I've been lurking over here ever since you so graciously popped on a link to my site. I agree with anonymous -- Don't change a thing, and thanks for all the entertainment. And please feel free to use all the offensive language I would use if my mother-in-law didn't check my blog.

Anonymous said...

Hey hey! I check your blog everyday, and I love it. Keep writing as you are, your style is great, you have an awesome sense of humour, and a way of expressing the emotional without being cheesy.


Matt said...

w00t! keep on bloggin'! it would suck if you left!

and don't worry about boh. he'll prolly think it's funny to look back at what he did when he was little. so i think you can keep writing all you want about boh for now but you should prolly stop in 10 years or so. because then he'll think it's weird.

(note to everyone: if you wanna send hate mail do it in the comments! that way you can start a flame war!)

[insert name here] said... THAT's what "flaming" is....I saw it on someone else's blog and had no idea