Wednesday, November 01, 2006


And the best line of the night goes to...

35-year-old woman with pillow sack: "Can I get some more?" [as she reveals yet another pillow sack hiding beneath her jacket] "My son is too lazy to come up to the door himself."

Yes. That's exactly what your lazy kid needs then. MORE CANDY. GET A JOB. THE BOTH OF YOU. AND GET OFF MY FRONT STEP. NOW.

1 sweet nothing:

Anonymous said...

Ah, the days after halloween. Parents around here are desparately slicing open large bags of left over candy and leaving them around like feed sacks for the rest of us in an attempt not to end up sitting down and eating the whole. damn. bag. in one sitting. by themselves.

Combine this with the fact that they have now fully ringed the building with fry trucks (picture, if you will, an old west -Oregon trail style- wagon train that circles in for protection, made up entirely of fry and poutine producing vehicles). Add to that the outer shell of coffee and donut shops that surrounds the fry ring and you have a recipe for some very doughy public servants.

I suspect we are being fattened up for budget time.