Thursday, December 14, 2006

two birds with one slobbery stone

Would love to chalk up the scarcity of syntax on this blog of late to two things: fodder that's been mulling over in my mind that I don't really want to publish publicly, but can't think of anything else in its place; and a Babe who shimmies up to the laptop everytime it's opened and lunges for the screen, because screens? I WANT TO EAT IT. Thought I would let him get some curiousity satisfied at the same time as some sort of configuration of language could be strung together to cut and paste in this space. Herewith, I give you, Blogging By Boh:

J HJ Bbbbbbbbbbbk .i=;>.no

I had to stifle his creativity midway through the drooly session so that: a) the excessive amount of liquid seeping into the keyboard wouldn't act as a conduit from his face to the electrical impulses just dying to make their way out of the hard drive and onto the TV show, "Stupid Mommy Tricks"; and, b) I could save the "alt" and the "x" keys from an impending final resting place otherwise known as Gordie's stomach, since the Babe, in his valiant effort TO GRAB IT, AND EAT IT, ripped them off during his stroke of genius. (Don't worry sweets; they're back on, good as new. See? x x x x x x)

I'm not sure what exactly Boh was trying to communicate to us in the above, but I figure it is probably one of the most profound things you or I will ever find on this blog. In fact, I am 100% certain of it.

0 sweet nothing: