Thursday, January 11, 2007

going to Hell

It's a different world than it was 10 years ago, my friends. I now ask Google what Peter Mansbridge is like in real life - as if the G.-man had beer with him after work last Friday or something - and this is the first hit that spits back out at me. I didn't write it, but I feel that The Big Man is frowning on me just for having pointed it out to you.

But on the Peter issue: Seriously, who knows whether or not he is an ass in real life? Let's dish. (Also, he is TOTALLY tapping that Claire who does the weather, no?)

2 sweet nothing:

Anonymous said...

I think they have Terry Fox mixed up with Steve Fonio, Terry ruled, Steve is a prick.

From someone not going to h-e-double hockey sticks

Anonymous said...

Que "tapping"?