Wednesday, February 28, 2007

the Hill

The Hallowed Halls of our Ivory Tower
Pulse well into the Night;
lapdogs, lackeys, fools in suits:
Buzz, text message nothing.

We erected these Marble Slabs together, Friend
Built Chambers and Antechambers;
Constitutions, and Freedoms spent:
Codified by what they are not.

You told me once you knew what It didn't mean
Defined It through It's absence;
Maybe, but is that Something to sacrifice our Sons and Daughters for?
No. No, no, no: Never.

We separate Ourselves by False Distinction
Caress through Man-Made Border Lines;
And though this Map points to where Home is, should be -
It fails to capture This.

1 sweet nothing:

Hugs and Kisses said...

Hey, you copied that poem from me!
Just joking. Love, Mom