Monday, February 19, 2007

sending in my $1.99 plus shipping and handling

By now you will agree I've never been a normal girl. I've tried; oh, how I've tried. I've made the requisite list of Teen Beat, Teen Street and Seventeen and told my Dad I neeeeeded them, could he just pleeeasse pick them up on his way home for me? And, perfect papa he is, he did. They never really did anything for me, though. Kirk Cameron was kind of a weirdo. (Although Joey was always sooo much better than Jordan; maybe I was just drawn to him though because he was a December baby like myself. Though he was technically a Capricorn, that was close enough for this narcissistic Sagittarius.)

I flipped through the flimsy pages, passing easily the advertisements promising a one-on-one conversation with whatever heart throb my little heart desired. Nah. Not interested. I pored over the advice columns, solely for the smirk factor. What kind of self-respecting person cares about what her best friend thinks of her new shoes? Just go tell her to $@#& herself! Leo DiCaprio full face centre-fold? Pshht. (Though maybe I'd put that up on my wall now.)

The one page I could never get past? Usually, it was in the last two, maybe three, pages of the magazine. The ones where they advertised packages of sea monkeys and t-shirts with your boyfriend's name on them and pen pals? Yeah. I wanted a pen pal.

3 sweet nothing:

Cammy said...

I'm so glad I'm not alone! I was never into those magazines either and I was the only girl in my class that didn't like New Kids (though I did pretend, I didn't do it well I picked Donny and he looks like a monkey). Thanks for making me feel (semi)-normal.

Cammy said...

Oh, and I'm (er I mean was) totally into pen pals and sea monkeys too.

Bird said...

How did you learn to put your make-up on, if you didn't read the articles?