Monday, October 30, 2006

Sunday, October 28, 2007: save the date

Pictures to prove Sunday afternoon is the new Saturday night.

A couple notes for next year:

- yes, yes, yes to Gido's chili recipe

- need clearly defined rules in place prior to pumpkin judging, and pumpkin guess-the-weight; preferably these rules need to be vetted by a representative sample of possible pumpkin carvers two months prior to the contest, only to be changed unilaterally five minutes before judging begins. Also, should add yet another bowl in the pumpkin gut chain. The first bowl will be dumped into a second bowl that is a bit bigger than the first, and then from the second bowl the guts shall be transferred into a third and even bigger bowl before dumping the whole thing into the garbage without even using the seeds, BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE WAY TOO ECONOMICAL, and we need to keep our jobs, right?

- maybe invite more non-public-servants to teach the rest of us about efficiency, and get us to lighten up about the integrity of our judging system, because, DUDE, ARE WE EVER NERDS

- everybody in attendance at the 1st annual pumpkin carving contest are mandated to attend the 2nd annual pumpkin carving contest. Violators of this policy will be prosecuted

3 sweet nothing:

Anonymous said...

Holy hannah, lady, but do you throw a good party.

Anonymous said...

You guys are the COOLEST PARENTS EVER!

B. said...

two things.

#1: definitely agree with the "coolest parents ever" statement.

#2: i fully deserve to be prosecuted/persecuted... i wish i could have been there, guys!

and what the heck... #3: how ADORABLE is boh???