Monday, December 25, 2006

big perogies to fill

Attempted my very first Ukrainian Christmas supper last night. 12 meatless dishes. My Ukrainian Daughters' Cookbook specifies the number to be an even dozen; I have heard people say there ought to be 11, I have heard 13. For the want of a Baba - or an Auntie L. - to lay down the law, I'll go by the book on this one. The menu:

1) Perogies
2) Salmon
3) Haddock
4) Salad
5) Cabbage Rolls
6) Kutcha
7) Borcht
8) Garlic Cloves
9) Kapusta with Peas
10) Mashed Beans
11) Cottage Cheese
12) Blueberry Perogies



i) Need a better dough recipe for the perogies. Too thick.
ii) Gotta make my own cabbage rolls next year. Store bought kind are WAY too big.
iii) Kutcha needs less water, less poppy seed, and more honey.
iv) Borcht = yummy!
v) Kapusta = awesome!
vi) Mashed Beans quite bland, but I suppose non-Ukrainians need something to hang their hat on during a supper such as this.
vii) Cottage cheese? Does that really qualify as a dish? Yes. When there is only one cook in the kitchen, yes it does.
viii) Too full for Blueberry Perogies. Will eat them tonight.
ix) Need 13.5 more people around the table next year.
x) Define "meatless".

2 sweet nothing:

Anonymous said...

I am very impressed ... thanks ... Baba is smiling!


Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas, WJB! It is with a touch of regret we weren't able to partake in the famous 13 meatless courses with you this year, but keep us on the list; we'll show up one day.

I also think I might be able to help with that perogie problem -- spent Saturday learning the finer art of handmade perogies under the watchful eyes of Ba-to-the-BA, old school. Hint: Lard. Your dough will never taste so heavenly....

I also want to take issue with pictures of your new svelt self cooking up a storm, on Christmas EVE no less! Having totally gorged myself today (and yesterday, and the day before), your picture has inspired the swift return of treadmill-land at sunrise before the journey home. Biatch.

See you soon! Merry Christmas!