Thursday, January 11, 2007

buried in three feet of snow

You need something to read. Obviously. I still do this with B.'s blog, and G.'s, and D.'s, check back compulsively, that is, even though I know it's more miss than hit. (Though D. is slightly better at the update - only slightly. And while we're at it, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO GRACE US WITH A 2007 POST C., HMMMM?) So if I haven't the time to write anything good, I'm going to let you in on my dirty little secrets: indulgence blogs, even if they're not featured prominently on the sidebar. Why aren't they there, you ask? Simple, really. They're like the chocolate I like to leave at the back of the freezer, or the fudge that Adoring and Wonderful Husband's co-worker N. made for us just before Christmas. I'll sit back at 10:00 pm with a nice cup of tea and suddenly remember them, Chocolate! Sucre à la crème! Both at the back of the freezer! Making me so, so happy, hitting the spot. Hereforth, I give you:




My prairie peeps. Happy shovelling.

(PS: Forget the social and economic union. French-Canadian dessert is really the reason we need a united Canada.)

1 sweet nothing:

Anonymous said...

W, get J. to come to the office with Boh and I guarantee you there will be more sucre a la creme waiting for you. I just need 24hrs notice. Yes, if it has come down to bribing you in order to see Boh=ci-beau, so be it.