Monday, January 15, 2007


Life's Little Instruction Book is decidedly less clear about how to handle this situation:
Hi, Winter:

Thank you for your email to CBC News Sunday. We appreciate you taking the time out and sending us your thoughts on our program.

While we regularly ask viewers permission to use a portion of their email on our show, in this case we would be interested in finding out whether you would be interested in coming into the nearest CBC studio and read a portion of your email message that will be taped and included in the feedback segment of our Sunday morning show.

Write back and I would love to hear back from you with a contact number so that we can work out the logistics of the shoot. Thank you so much.

What would you do?

4 sweet nothing:

Anonymous said...

You have to do it. Make sure you are given a tape of the show. You will store it and some day when your child is all grown up, he will discover another part of you -the part with the back bone. You had enough conviction to write the email. Do you have the courage of your convictions?

Bird said...

Is that for real?

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's the start of a new career- CBC political analyst. Think of the hours of non-stop fun at party conventions all over Canada.

Jodi @ blog-o-licious said...

yes yes yes!