Tuesday, February 20, 2007

4:12 am

Dear Fate,

You have perfect timing. Shortly you're to ring on my door, and carry me away for 96 hours. To a place where maybe Blackberries work; maybe they don't. Don't count on anything. Don't take anything for granted.

A good book, and two solid days to read.

No computer, green light flashing "on"; siren song of escape, and confinement.

Just me and, quite possibly, a pickled thumb.*


*No, I guess that's Dawson City, not Yellowknife. At least, that's what Google says.

2 sweet nothing:

Anonymous said...

Aren't you going to Whitehorse?

[insert name here] said...

Um, yeah. I'm in Whitehorse. Imagine my surprise when the plane touched down.