Sunday, March 04, 2007


And this? This is what I've been carrying around in my heart lately. It brings me infinite joy to know that I am connected to people in this Cruel and Beautiful World who feel the same way. People who try to capture through writing the Love that drains our hearts. We fail; we always fail. And necessarily so. But at least we try. We can only ever try.

My heart pounds for a language that communicates with my soul: The treble. I sing like Sarah Harmer in my writing. Gliding, sliding, high notes go low: One trombone is playing so-lo.

I leave embarrassed, having told you too much. Wonder: Is it just me? Am I the only one who has no idea what's going on here? A consequence of my grace deficit: I always go too far, and never as far as I want.

Lay it on us, D-Man. Thick like cream cheese on your morning bagel. My best advice is this: Leave embarrassed.

1 sweet nothing:

Anonymous said...

Aw, shucks W.