Wednesday, May 10, 2006

petty annoyances: item #2

Excuse me? Excuse me?! I have something to say, if I could just get a word in edgewise, please.

Yes, you. You know who you are. Like Oprah, you like the sound of your voice so much that you don't wait for the answers to the questions you ask. At least it's Oprah's show; what's your excuse? Much light was made a few weeks ago of George Bush's protestation that he's The Decider, but you? You're The Interrupter. Never one to pay heed to your fellow discussant (unless it's to stare vacantly at them until your opportunity to jump in arises), you are the worst person to share office space with, and it's absolutely no fun to have a heated and slightly drunken conversation about religion or politics at a part-ae with you. More than once I have snapped at you at work, assuring you that I would have gotten to that point, if you only you had let me. (And then I had to email you half an hour later, apologizing for being so terse with you, even though I think it is you who should have made amends with me.) I have had to sit through your diatribes, suffer through your sermons, and feign interest in your constant blathering. It's quite annoying really, especially when you...

What's that? Oh. Sorry for interrupting. Please...continue.

0 sweet nothing: