Friday, June 09, 2006

conversations (also entitled "to know her is to love her")

Conversation #1: Make Sure Your Readers Know It's Your Dad Who's The Cheap One

After expressing my delight at her more than ample stock of shampoo and related product (which I forgot to take a picture of for the benefit of posterity), she delighted: Yes, after I read your entry I laughed to note how right you were about my shampoo supply! But you should have clarified that it's your dad who's bargain bin friendly when it comes to shampoo, not me!


Conversation #2: "Oh, How I Love This Province" (The Praises of An Eternal Optimist, or a Short Memory? You decide.)

[Setting: Noon. At the coffee shop in the mall where the dental office she works at is. Daughter and grandson stop by for a visit.]

Daughter: How was your morning, mom?

Mom: Horrible. My second patient of the day was mean to me and made me cry. She was mad that I was cleaning her kid's teeth. She wanted to see the person who worked here before me instead. But seeing my baby Boh makes me feel better now!

Daughter [in her head]: If I would have been there I would have TAKEN THAT BITCH DOWN. Hoo-rah! (in my best marine voice)

Daughter [aloud]: I'm glad you're feeling better, mom.


[Setting: Evening. Walking around Lake Banook with the Woofs.]

Mom [after seeing Daughter cross the street a little too carelessly with the Babe strapped to her in a Baby Trekker]: You really have to be careful walking around here, Daughter. The people here won't stop for you. They'll turn their heads away as if they don't see you and just zoom right by. A lot of people get hit by cars here.

Daughter: Thanks for the heads up.

[And later, nearing the finish of the walk.]

Mom: I really love it here, Daughter. Nova Scotians are just such nice people.

Daughter: Yeah, except when they're making you cry or trying to run you down. They're just ducky.

Conversation #3: Unsolicited Advice About Parenting




(That is the sound of silence. I don't know if she was biting her tongue, or if she thought I was doing a good job, but - either way - I noticed...and appreciated what I will assume was silent approval.)

Conversation #4: The Way To A New Mother's Heart...

Mom: You know how wonderful it is to be a mom?

Daughter: [nods]

Mom: Well, it's even better being a grandma.

And when you've recently realized that you love anyone that loves your kid, having your mom say something like this makes you love her even more.

Thanks for the great week, mom. I miss you already.

1 sweet nothing:

Anonymous said...

I miss you too baby. Mom