Thursday, October 26, 2006

pumpkin carving contest, Sunday @ 2:00 pm

If you can read this, and you live in the NCR, you're invited. Don't wait for a formal invitation, 'cuz it ain't coming. Judging at 4:30 pm. We'll have the basic carving utensils for use, but bring anything special you might need. Get creative! Remember, there is a FABULOUS prize to be won at the end of it all (for the best pumpkin AND for the best costume, though no costumes are required. If you can't think of anything to be just come as a bed head who vows the whole afternoon to "NEVER, EVER drink that much at Patty Boland's AGAIN - NEVER, EVER! - now pass me a coffee and Bailey's along with a bowl of chili, STAT!")

Knowing this thing has been coming up led me to put off all the household cleaning for a couple weeks, because it'll just get dirty again, right? I might as well give the house a good once over with Monsieur Clean just before I have a load of pumpkin guts strewn across the floor, because that? That makes SO MUCH MORE SENSE. Anyway, I'm listening to moo-zach as I do this, and Avril Lavigne comes on, and I consider shutting her off, because remember that spitting incident she had a couple weeks back with the paparazzi? I HATE SPITTERS. I hate the big loogies they leave on the sidewalk that I have to simultaneously sidestep and redirect Gordie so he misses them too, and I ESPECIALLY hate spitters who spit on other people. Tony Murrell did it to me in grade two, and I was DISGUSTED. (But what do you expect from a kid named TONY??) I would rather be punched in the nose or kicked in the crotch than spit on.

(How's THAT for a tangent?)

4 sweet nothing:

Anonymous said...

someone tried to spit on me last summer... he was up near the ceiling as he was trying to climb one of the massive turnstyles in the Paris subway, and I didn't notice he was right above me when I tried to walk through. It was like dodging a bomb drop. The lowest point was the sort of half-angry-half-I-don't -give a-crap look that the woman maning the ticket booth gave me/him as she did absolutely nothing but observe the showdown.

Speaking of gross stuff on the ground, I found something for Boh. I'm going to and remember to bring it through what may or may not be an epic hangover on Sunday. It'll be good to see you guys - we missed you at Boh's wife's party.

Unknown said...

You shall all bow before team Leger-Renaud's mighty pumpkin carvink skillz!

You have been warned

Anonymous said...

Its stuff like this that makes me miss the O-town!!

Wishing you guys a happy halloween!

What is Boh being for his first Halloween? There better be some pics come Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

OK as if you remember Tony Murell spitting on you. Too friggin funny. kp