Tuesday, January 02, 2007

one down, two to go

Edit: I resolve not to eat at my desk while emailing the Pope asking him to troubleshoot why I can't type question marks, only e accent aigus. This, I think I can handle. (Unless nobody else can help me on that one. In which case, I won't have to worry about eating at my desk because I WILL JUST QUIT MY JOB, BECAUSE E ACCENT AIGUS? THEY ARE DRIVING ME $#&*ING CRAZY.)

5 sweet nothing:

Anonymous said...

Ugh, that happened to me - my stupid keyboard was set to french, ridiculously frustrating. You're back at work, I take it?

Anonymous said...

I think you have to go into computer set up and change language preference.

Heather and Robin said...

What are you trying to type it in....email or word document. You can go into special characters to do it in word but frankly I would just get IT to send you a french key board so then you just have to hit control e or something like that to have it and there is a little accent aigu on your keyboard.

Unknown said...

In order to get rid of the accent aigu.

There should be in the system tray by the clock a little purple square that says 'EN'

Click on it.

Change it from English (Canada) to English (US) and the é will become a ?

For your info, on a french keyboard the ? is shift+6

Anonymous said...

Hold down Alt and hit 130! Voyons!!

(Accent grave: Alt+138. If you want others, I can hook you up!!)